Thursday, September 6, 2012

Feinstein decides it's time

  to reenact the Assault Weapons Ban (AWB).  Never mind the bothersome fact that gun crimes and police killings declined after the AWB of 1994 lapsed. 

  Also, Mizz Feinstein declined to debate her Republican opponent Elizabeth Emken despite Emken's repeated debate challenges.  Why should she bother?  With California's gerrymandered districts and reelection rate for Democrats, Feinstein doesn't need to bother campaigning.  She can focus on the important stuff like the economy or preventing domestic surveillance errr....banning "assault" weapons.

  I love California, I really do.  The people are friendly, the food is great, and the countryside is beautiful.  I've hunted wild boar in the San Louis Obispo area with local rednecks that would be right at home in any Southern holler.  I've seen the poor, ostracized California shooters fight tooth and nail for gun rights in battles that folks in other states couldn't imagine.  However....California is cursed with a beautiful climate.  My rule of thumb (for the US) is the more rough the countryside is and the more harsh the climate, the less chance that there will be too many people, enacting too many laws, worrying too much about regulating what others do.  Wyoming might lead the continental US in that regard except for all of the out of staters in the Jackson Hole area.  We can only hope that climate change rids of us of the ski slopes there :)

  All of this being said, it's probably time to start preparing for the Barackolypse 2.0 Gun Buying Panic and stock up on your year's supply of ammo at the very least.  Not a bad idea to get you some of them eeevul high capacity mags and assault rifles either.  At the very least, get an AR15 lower.  Build it up into a rifle when you want.  By BATF rules, the AR15 lower is the weapon so everything else is just an addon.  So, if you buy the lower legally, you're set.



  1. Well, the NRA just got a membership boost.

    1. People who stockpile now will find themselves in the same situation as BO's election. A bunch of ammo, parts, and guns they have to sell at a loss while the fun shops, gun manufacturers,and NRA laugh all the way to the bank.

    2. Riiight, it's a plot..... Apparently you forget what it was like to try and obtain ammo for practice during the last gun buying panic.

  2. Ironically, Sacramento Co is leading the way in "shall issue" permits in California. The current Sheriff ran in part on a platform of granting permits to any eligible applicant. It's caught on and last I heard some of the neighboring counties now have guys running for Sheriff on a similar platform.

    Agreed that the timing will definitely spark more buying craze. Glad my ammo shipments for this year are already locked in.

  3. Zero chance you will see a new gun ban in Cali or anywhere else.

    1. There's a fresh bill to ban semi autos with the "bullet button" in the California legislature right now.
